Role/Position with the Council
MAL Calgary
MALs Only
Calgary Catholic School District
What is happening? What is happening in your role and responsibilities with ESLC?
October 19th we are hosting "Everyone Can Create" in collaboration with Apple Education. This event plans to show teachers how technology can help support students not only access information, but also demonstrate their understanding (despite English language proficiency). Through sharing the details of the ESLC council, I have found 2 teachers interested in joining. I have been promoting the upcoming conference in April. In doing so I have found a couple of presenters interesting in sharing their knowledge and experience at the upcoming ESLC conference in Jasper. I am currently working to complete a book review on a resource I discovered at a conference I recently attended. Blind Spot : Hidden Biases of Good People by Maharin R. Banaji
Why is this important? What does the above mean for our members, teaching and learning and/or the council?
Providing PD to our members is one of the best ways to support them in their roles. Teachers continue to express interest in learning how to best support the increasingly diverse populations in their classroom. Communicating to our members and drumming up interest for new membership promotes informed practice to support our ELLs. Sharing great resources is an effective way to continue professional dialogue and learning.
What are the next steps? What is next for you in your role - where to from here? What do you need from the council or how could the council benefit from you?
Together we continue to explore potential PD opportunities for Calgary and surrounding areas and continue promote the upcoming events hosted by our council. We intend to continue to explore different ways to broaden our impact. I hope to move into the PD Director role for Calgary.
Strategic Plan Update: Committee Name
Creating Partnerships
Remarks What have you worked on in relation to the Strategic Planning Committee with which you are working? (Member Engagement , Professional Development,, Advocacy, or Creating Partnerships
Our team has set goals to reach out to groups previously less involved with our committee (due to geography, access or information). Some of these groups include rural communities and pre-service teachers.