Role/Position with the Council
Member at Large
MALs Only
North Alberta
What is happening? What is happening in your role and responsibilities with ESLC?
Supported the ATA Carousel event in January at the University of Alberta where Faculty of Education students had the opportunity to receive information and resources. It is a great event for students to network and become familiar with the needs of our English learners. Participated in the Alberta Colony Educator's Conference in Magrath by presenting strategies that support oral language acquisition.
Why is this important? What does the above mean for our members, teaching and learning and/or the council?
Providing networking and professional development opportunities supports our mission of promoting best practices for K-12 teachers.
What are the next steps? What is next for you in your role - where to from here? What do you need from the council or how could the council benefit from you?
Being the MAL for Alberta North offers opportunities to support teachers in areas of the province that do not have a high percentage of English learners. Finding more avenues where we can reach more teachers outside of connecting to the website and attending our conferences is something I would like to explore further in this upcoming year.
Strategic Plan Update: Committee Name
Creating Partnerships
Remarks What have you worked on in relation to the Strategic Planning Committee with which you are working? (Member Engagement , Professional Development,, Advocacy, or Creating Partnerships
I am still working on finding ways to connect with schools that teach adult English Learners.